Starting from Mc Donalds, Clyde Road in Berwick. Assemble 9.00am for 9.30am departure.
The coffee break will be at Nick’s Bakehouse in Drouin and lunch at the Moe Racing Club Bistro.
The theme of the current exhibition at Maffra is “Never Been Kissed” meaning most of the motorcycles, cars & trucks have little or no restoration work done.
Exhibits range from a 1908 Renault which remained in the ownership of one family for over 100 years, to a 1922 Vulcan truck on solid rubber tyres, with lots of interesting motoring history in between. Look for the 1911 MORS. The company was established in France in 1897 (older than Renault). The rolling chassis was imported and the body fitted in Melbourne.
Admission to the Vehicle Collection is $8.00 per adult (group of 10 or more) and children under 15 are free. Tea/coffee and light refreshments are available.
The run does not touch the freeway and includes some interesting roads and scenery including the immense W Power Station at Yallourn.
Come along and join the convoy.
Anyone planning to attend should advise numbers by email to “” by end of 18/08/2016.