Welcome the new RCCV website
Here’s a few details of what you’ll find where. As is typical, the menu bar across the top identifies the main areas of the website.
The ‘landing page’. As well as the usual introductory welcome, here you will find major announcements and recent updates. Major announcements are at the top of the page where you can’t miss them (so the theory goes). On the right hand side you’ll find links to recent articles posted to the website and postings to our Facebook page.
For those unfamiliar with the Renault Car Club, the About page gives you an overview of the club and its activities.
All the latest news and information from the club is here. Go here to catch up on what the club’s ben doing and what’s in the pipeline.
The Calendar shows you scheduled activities and events put on by the club or in which the club is involved. It also shows events in which we think you may be interested though the club itself is not taking part per se. You can view this month-by-month – the default – or weekly or as a list (agenda) by selecting the relevant tab at the top right corner.
… Social, Sporting and ‘Spanner in Hand’
These pages are focussed on particular interest areas of social aspects and activities, sporting activities, and being more ‘hands-on’ with your Renault. Articles in these pages generally appear in the news also – these pages allow you to get quicker to what interests you more. There will also be some highlight items specific to the subject that don’t appear in the news.
The club runs a ‘Club Shop’ for club and Renault related merchandise and other items of interest to members. The Club Shop page lists the items available at present. You cannot do an online purchase as yet but we have our eye on that ability for the future…
Here also are ads for things members, and others, have to sell or seek to acquire.
You won’t be surprised if we tell you that here is where you find details on ways of contacting the club. Key details are right up front in the coloured banner along with a big ‘Send Email’ link. That goes to the Club’s membership secretary, if you want to contact the website webmaster (who is more like a webnovice!) there’s an email icon at the top of each page. The Contact page also shows you how to get to where we (usually) hold the club meetings
If you’re not already a member, you’ll want to become one, surely. The Join page has what you need for this.
Down the bottom
At the bottom of each page you’ll find a few key links, including to the club’s Facebook page. You can get to the Facebook page via the icon at the top of the page also. You’ll find sets of links at various places around the website – where they’re most relevant we hope!
For Members
A ‘members only’ area with special features and content is planned, but not here yet. This will involve club members having logins and passwords so there’s a bit of preparation involved so we decide to leave until after the launch and things settle down.
Members can use the clubs Facebook page, of course, for putting up a post…
A work in progress
It’s been, shall we say, a ‘learning process’ to resurrect the website. Our ideas and plans for the website currently outstrip the collective knowledge and expertise of the group of club members that is active in setting up and running the website, and in producing articles etc for it. Practice will make perfect, and we’ll tackle more things then.
The members area is an item on the ‘plan’; a calendar integrated with the website (rather than the separate Google calendar at present), buying online from club shop, and … are others
When we make a major additions or changes to the website, we’ll update this outline and draw attention to the change.
In the meantime, feedback to the webmaster is welcome – suggestions for improvements particularly as we’ve gotten too close to the website to be abel to see it the way you will.