No fools on the track
Our second track day for the year was on April 1st – is that for real was the question asked more than once during the announcement and entry period. But, yes, it was real. Thanks to the Maserati Club again who were the organisers of the day, nearly a dozen club members had an excellent time at Sandown. And, Welcome to Dev who joined us on the day.
For most of us, a full-blooded run around Sandown was something new and this was reflected in the times. Experienced drivers were posting more consistent times that were a few seconds faster than the majority. No surprise there. There was surprisingly little spread among the times for most, with Paul’s R17, David’s Fuego (both around 40 years old) and Geoff’s non-Sport Megane with barely a second difference among them bringing up the tail end.
That small difference made for an engrossing tussle as the dynamics of the three different vehicles favoured their cornering, acceleration out of a corner, or braking into the corner. In the last session, the R17, Fuego and Megane were in a bunch with none being able to get enough up to get ahead. For me in the Megane, the other two would open up a gap getting around the corners faster – both with race tyres – which I would close down heading into the next corner because, I guess, of the more modern brakes.
The day was run with the relaxed slickness we’re coming to expect of the MCA who were very welcoming. We did note that close to half the runners were in Renaults, though not all were from our club. Fair to say too, that Renaults were not the fastest runners on the day. But . . . the real question is ‘who had the most fun?’. As a measure of ‘event satisfaction’, most of us decided to sit out the last session as ‘we’d had enough’. Had enough in a good way, as in not wanting any more, fully satisfied and well pleased with ourselves and the event.
Well, most of us had a really excellent time but some not so. Dramas, such as they were, were fairly minor but enough to rob some of a portion of their track time.
Mikee posted a sharp time in the first session. But with flaming brakes – and I’m not just using slang here – I mean flaming! – the wiser course of action was to sit out the rest and get his brakes properly checked out.
Peter limped home in the last session with cut side-wall in one very flat tyre but nothing particularly scary happening as a consequence; just adding to his costs for the day! David’s Fuego had the good graces to wait until the last cool-down lap before belching clouds of smoke from the power steering fluid pumping over the exhaust. Now that could have been ‘exciting’ had it happened earlier.
A dropped adjustment bolt saw James take the wisdom over valour course late in the day. And Graeme was aggrieved that his Clio became reluctant to go above 5,500 revs. I think it was just because he struggled to get past me – the competitive force is strong in that one!
Next track day is Winton in July – another one of the classic Victorian motorsport tracks.
Honestly, he’s reading something, not putting in a fuel additive! And check out the new club sport shirt – our ‘uniform’ drew some attention on the day.